Friday, August 14, 2009

Posted up on the Significant Blog with Ross Chanes Dies Again before I left for Quebec but apprently I got snaked for music rights on youtube, so here's the video again with sound as a private upload. Password's underneath.

Ross Chanes Dies Again. from Alex Kingsmill on Vimeo.


And As always, some great goodies. Thought I'd Start off with some classic trick tip videos to bone up on your flip trick stee.

I know that was alot but here's some more, Dustin Dollin Raw & Uncut.

Chris Cole Mini Board.

El Toro In a Shopping Cart

Fuck BATB2, there hasn't been one decent game of SKATE yet, and some of the better skaters have already been wiped out by jacked games. So here's a game of skate not to forget down a 7.